Art Therapy ImageArt for Life

Here’s to Life would like to thank and acknowledge the Redland City Council for their financial assistance with the Art for Life Program.

Art for Life is a form of expressive therapy that uses the creative process of making art to improve a person’s physical, mental and emotional well-being. The Art Therapist will introduce the different mediums to the group, acrylic paint, watercolours, clay, chalk pastels, oil pastels and pencil/charcoal. Plus it’s loads of fun.

The workshop will be run in a small group and in a friendly atmosphere. No previous experience is necessary.

What can art offer you:

  • Social connection in an inclusive environment.
  • Visual and tactile sensory stimulation
  • Self-esteem and confidence growth
  • The sense of achievement and success
  • Coping and soothing abilities
  • Goal setting and planning
  • Imagination
  • Creative reasoning
  • Connection to self and others.


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