At Here’s to Life we are uniquely placed to deliver our own designed and developed, fun, benefit filled Dancercise, Health and Wellbeing programs that really work for people with almost all levels of disability. This takes place at the Redlands Memorial Hall, Smith Street, Cleveland in a very colourful, welcoming and supportive atmosphere.
As a result we constantly see participants not only having a ball and achieving mightily, but also improving their fitness and strength, cognition and coordination.
Our Dancercise program takes place from January to December each year.
Each term we enjoy Drumbeatz and Art.
What can art offer:
Our unique Dancercise program includes:
Our instructors really love taking this program, while some of our Here’s to Life team and women’s program regulars get great pleasure from helping out.
The cost for each program is $12 per session.
Programs are open to Men & Women living with physical and/or intellectual disabilities.
Payment is by cash only on arrival before each session.
Please Note: Here's to Life will provide all Art for Life equipment and for Drumbeatz, will provide all equipment including drums and percussion instruments.